5 Signs You Need a Rebrand and What to do about it

5 Signs You Need a ReBrand…and what to do about it:

1. You’re using the logo that you DIY’d a week before you started your business.

This was me. I was working on setting up my website and came to a stopping point when I realized I couldn’t go any further with a logo. So I created something relatively quickly with fonts, a style and colors I liked. Fast forward to two years later and it just wasn’t quite right. If that’s you, no judgement here! Start thinking about what you’ve liked about your current logo that’s gotten you through all this time. And also, think about what about it you’d like to upgrade (there’s always something, I know!). How has your business changed in that time and how do you want your new brand to reflect that?

2. You chose a trendy logo five years ago and now it’s looking a bit outdated.
So maybe Justin Bieber wasn’t the only thing to have gained and lost favor in the last 5 years (though somehow Kim Kardashian is still going strong. How’s that possible?) Whether it be color palette, graphic style or even font choice that’s hurting your brand, now’s the time to fix it! Don’t let an outdated brand keep your entire business from feeling old and unrelevant. Start looking for ways to update now! Depending on the issue maybe it’s just freshening up the color. Or maybe the colors are fine, but the design could use some tweaking. Review what’s working and what’s not. And maybe consider going a bit more timeless this round.

3. You’re just plain bored with your look and are looking for some new momentum
If your brand isn’t inspiring you anymore, that’s a problem. Especially because that means that it’s most likely not inspiring anyone else either. Do a 180 and rethink what you’ve got going on. What is it about your current brand that’s just not doing it anymore. Is anything actually working? Take a look, and if you’re answer is nothing’s working. Start brainstorming what you’re idea brand would look like.

4. Your business has changed a lot, but your look hasn’t
Maybe you started your business just crocheting socks. But recently that’s grown into scarves, which turned into baby clothes which grew into blankets which grew into even more home decor. And maybe you’ve even started sewing now too. It’s time to think about whether or not a logo that features cute little socks as part of the icon is a good representation of you brand. Maybe it still is, but there’s a possibility that it’s not giving potential clients a good overview of what you’re all about.

5. Your look is too generic.
Generic isn’t always a bad thing. But your business is not WalMart. You’re not trying to appeal to the masses. Chances are, you have a pretty good idea of the ideal client you’re trying to attract (and if you don’t, spend some good time thinking about it before you start re-branding) Before my re-brand, I had this problem. My brand was generic (wedding like colors, my business coach called them). It didn’t fit the sassy brand I was going for. So, I changed it. And now I don’t just have a so-so brand, I have a brand I LOVE. A brand I ADORE (seriously it’s gorgeous, right?). If you’re brand is too generic it’s probably not inspiring any action by other people. In other words, if you’re trying to appeal to everyone, you’re probably going to end up appealing to no one. Don’t let that happen to you!

So, what can you do if one of these has maybe-kinda-probably described you?

Take Action:
1. Get Clear on what your brand is and where you want it to go. Who is your ideal client and what would attract them?
2. Start by brainstorming what you like and what you don’t about your current brand (it’s okay if you hate everything!)
3. Create a Pinterest Board and start pinning images you do love and would like to incorporate into your brand.
4. Decide if these are changes you can make or ones you want to hire a designer for.
Did this sound like you? Have Questions? I’d love to help you out.
Ask away in the comments! (Or feel free to shoot me an email, I’d be happy to lend an ear)


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