Your Business Needs A Facebook Page

With the reach of Facebook Posts steadily becoming lower and more unreliable, I’ve seen a lot of other business owners questioning if they should even bother with a Facebook page for their business. While the low organic reach on Facebook is frustrating, I think it still worth it to keep a business page on Facebook. Here’s why.

It helps potential clients in Facebook Groups find your website.

If you’re like me, you’re in quite a few Facebook groups. We all know the best ones don’t allow much promotion. BUT, if you’re being helpful or have something good to say you might just draw people to your own page. From there, you want them to be able to find your website. You can do this by linking your Business Facebook page to the Work section of your profile. This allows potential clients to get to your Facebook page and even click through to your website.

NOTE: If you don’t have your personal page set up to direct people to your business page, go do it now! You’re missing out on people who want to see what you do. It’s so sad when I’m in a Facebook group and I’m interested in someone’s business, but they don’t have it listed in their account at all.

It helps with SEO.

When I google Ruby and Sass Design my website shows up first and my Facebook Page is second. But, when I first started my site, didn’t even appear on the first page! Facebook did though and because it had my website on it, people can still find me. Even if your site is more established, having your site and your Facebook page in the top results just reiterates how legit your business is. Plus, I’ll bet some people are more likely to click on a link to a Facebook page than a website they may never have heard of.

Don’t have a website yet? Setting up a Facebook page takes less than 20 minutes to set up.

I’ve been to a few craft fairs this fall and I’ve been amazed at how many people had no place to direct potential clients back to. Some just had a business card with a name and email address on it. I know that when you’re just starting out a website seems intimidating, but I think having a Facebook page is something anyone can easily do, especially if they already have their own personal account. It at least gives you somewhere to send people who are interested in your work, but aren’t ready to buy just yet. Of course, the end goal should be to get a website and start a mailing list, but a Facebook page at least gives you something simple to start with while you’re figuring everything out. Plus, you can share pictures, links and your website when it’s ready to keep you people’s minds.

Targeted Facebook ads work.

I give a better overview on this in my Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads Free Ebook, but Facebook lets you target ads to people with specific interests, page likes, locations, age and gender. So many ways to narrow into your niche with Facebook Ads, but you need an account to benefit from it!

Worried about keeping up with a Facebook page?

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time to keep up with your Facebook page. I focus more on Instagram, but push all of my posts to Facebook. Do you use Buffer to post to Twitter? Use it to post to Facebook at the same time. Use IFTTT, to automatically post your blog posts to you Facebook page. If it’s not your primary social media focus, that’s fine. Even having something posted just once a week makes it look current to anyone that might visit your page.

What do you think? Do you see the benefits of a Business Facebook Page? Do you have one? And if you do, do you still post regularly? Let me know in the comments!

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