Creating Just for Fun by Ruby and SassOne of my goals this year is to be more creative & to do more fun, creative, things just because.  So far, this has included:

– Making magnets of our instagram pictures for my husband, Kevin, on Valentine’s Day (turned out so much better than I even expected! still need to take pictures)
– Making our refrigerator pretty (every morning I walk in the kitchen, I smile)
– Designing Valentine’s cards for Kevin’s 5th graders (this was a collaboration between the two of us)
– Taking a new design class from Nicole’s Classes (they’re the best!).

I was really excited when Caravan Shoppe started a new challenge on their Instagram page.  Each week, they post a different word and the challenge is to create something (a picture, illustration, design, craft…etc) of what that word means to you.  Super fun, right? I thought so! And the best part is, it gives me the chance to just doodle or design something that I probably wouldn’t otherwise have created.  I’ve also enjoyed going through and seeing what everyone else has come up with and seeing where they get their inspiration from. So far we’re only 2 weeks in, but here’s what I’ve worked on:

Last week’s word, (fitting for Valentine’s Day) was Adore.  I hand drew some heart and hand lettered quite a few “love” ‘s  before choosing this one.

Adore Handlettered Hearts Create with Caravan by Ruby and Sass

This weeks word (again, very fitting) was Olympic.  Kevin loves (and I mean LOVES) the Olympics, so I’ve been subjected…I mean had the honor of watching it with him. My favorite part of the olympics is seeing the joy on the winner’s faces.  Since starting this business, I know how it feels to work hard at something, put all your time and effort into it and want to succeed.  While I’m certainly not athletic (like, at all), I think we connect on that level.  Watching them with that medal and seeing them realize their dreams makes me smile. Hence, this illustration:

Olympic Gold Create with Caravan by Ruby and Sass

To keep up with this challenge, follow me on Instagram @megleeron and follow @caravanshoppe for each week’s word- they do pick a winner each week to send a Caravan Shoppe goodie bag :)

– Brainstorming ideas for New Custom Printable Baby Announcements/Save the Dates/Party Invites (& more) for the Ruby and Sass Etsy Shop

– I’m working on finishing up a custom version of my Making Goals Worksheet– a wedding memories page for guests to fill out.  Custom orders are the best! They are so much fun and I love that we can take an idea I had for a design and mesh it with someone else’s idea and create a whole new project.  It’s turning out sooo cute! And once we’re finished, I’ll give you all a peek

-Round 2 of Logo Design for one of my clients that is taking advantage of my Logo Special.  Do you need a Brand Update? Let me know!

-Just shipped out another one of my You Are My Constant Print this is seriously my best selling print (and on it’s second printing!) Crazy! Promise to do a Print Spotlight on it soon.

-And as always thinking of new ideas from the Ruby and Sass Etsy Shop anything you’d love to see?


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