I’m back with Little Tips with Big Results- if you’re just joining us make sure to check out the first post in the series- Using A Sketchbook

Little Tips That Have Big Results- Use Pencil First!
Oh…Use a pencil first.  Such a hard hard tip for me to learn (and sometimes to remember). Have you ever watched a video of someone doing a really awesome hand lettering project? The first time I saw this timelapse video by Sean McCabe, I was so amazed.  And my number one takeaway was that he sketched out what he wanted it to look like first and THEN he used pencil on the entire thing first before even touching it with a pen on the final product (and I’m sure there was a lot more prep before the filming started). You can see why though…it’s such an intricate process you wouldn’t want to mess anything up you can’t erase.

Even still it’s such a hard to thing not to just jump right in with the ink and go to town. But, just like the sketchbooks I think it’s so much more rewarding in the long run and my work usually turns out more like how I was wanting. When I made my handlettered book I penciled everything out first right on the paper and it worked out so well!

Pictured I’ve got some pencils and a kneaded eraser.  I’ll be honest, I usually just use whatever pencil I have closest to me (and it’s usually a pretty pink and gold mechanical pencil from the Target dollar section), I don’t have a favorite fancy pencil. If you do, I’d love to know what it is! The kneaded eraser is also good for making the pencil marks lighter before you start inking anything and it can erase those marks you make when you smear the pencil with your hand accidentally :) It also doesn’t leave any of those messy little eraser bits which is always a plus for me.

So, what do you think? How good are you at slowing down and taking a minute to do a pencil sketch or are you like me and want to dive right in?

PS- This week I started a just for fun series on Instagram with some chalk art hand-lettering designs. If you like the chalk designs I’ve been putting on the blog this week and last, follow me @megleeron. I’ll be posting everyday!

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