There are so many great businesses out there who have created, amazing drool worthy brands and are just all out rocking it. I’ve decided to spotlight one each month. I’m obsessed with brands and how others are using marketing techniques to their advantage. I’m not receiving any sponsorship from these brands, they’re just businesses that I love and think you’ll love too. :)

Drool Worthy Branding, Woven Pear


Who They Are:

“We create colorful, on trend, get-ready-to-two-step-towards-your dreams socks.”
How awesome of a description is that? Woven Pear is an online shop that sells the CUTEST socks.

3 Words to Describe Their Brand:

Fun, Exciting, Colorful

How They’re Rocking It:

Woven Pear just opened up their site 6 months ago and they caught my attention right away. Not only do I want to buy each and every pair of their socks, but I follow them on Instagram and I want to buy a pair every. single. time. they post a picture…which is daily, I might add. There’s SO MUCH EXCITEMENT happening with these socks.

So, how are they doing it?

 1. Their Photography is AMAZING.
They’ve taken their photos of their socks in the (really great) packaging, on a model’s feet and in a stacks with other pairs of their socks. They show you how to wear these socks- with boots, over leggings, which shorts and sneakers- in every image the socks and the people wear them just look SO COOL. You can tell their styled photoshoots are professionally done and extremely well thought out.
2. They Take Advantage of Instagram
Because of their spectacular photography, they are rocking Instagram! Not only do they feature their stellar shots, but they inspire their customers to snap photos of their own pair of Woven Pear (Pear…Pair – Get it?! Ha!) socks. And their images are pretty gorgeous too (but really, how could they not be- have you seen these socks?? Free publicity and new images to share that they didn’t have to create. And who doesn’t get excited to have a business you love share your photo?
3. They Hired the Best Designers

The geniuses at Woven Pear hired the best designers right from the start! Two of my personal favorites (Alma Loveland and Melanie Burk – who as a sidenote also happened to be the two people who taught me everything I know in Illustrator!). Their designs are fun, fresh and inspiring. They’re colorful and completely original. I literally cannot wait to get my socks in the mail because I feel like I’m going to have the best day ever when I wear these socks. For Real. And let’s be honest, without their designs, these socks would just be plain, white socks. Their designs are selling the socks. Kudos to them for realizing that and prioritizing design and creativity in their products.

Think they’re rocking it like I do?

Check them out for yourself here: Woven Pear Website | Instagram | Facebook
[Images from Woven Pear Instagram and Website]

And if you’re in need of a drool worthy brand I have 2 spaces open in April! Check out my branding packages here.

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