Why This Self Proclaimed Picky Eater Wants to Try Beets (hint..amazing product branding)

I’ve been a picky eater as long as I can remember (read: FOREVER) and though I’ve recently been trying more crazy foods (and by that I mean putting an onion on my burger or eating sweet potato everything…don’t think too highly of me) I’ve got a long way to go before I’d even consider eating something a bit to far out of my comfort zone.


And then it happened.


There I was at Costco (probably one of my favorite stores) minding my own business, when I see this super cute package in the veggie department. And as a designer nerd who loves product packaging I was automatically magnetized to it. What was it, you ask?


BEETS. Love Beets to be more specific.


I was intrigued by this adorable package:


Love Beets Product Branding


And really, it got me thinking: What do Beets even taste like? These might actually be good…like a jam or jello of sorts. Maybe it’s even got a sweet flavor? I wonder what their website looks like? It’s probably got some really great recipes on it. What do you even do with beets?


Mind you, I’ve never even had a single thought to try beets before. They’re in that section of the grocery store that I just sort or pass by. You know, the one with all of the weird vegetables (butter lettuce? watercress?…yeah) that I’m never really sure what I would ever do with. THAT section.


Since I know you’re all on the edge of your seat wondering if I did indeed buy them that day…the answer is no. I was intrigued, but I’m not crazy enough to buy a Costco sized vat of a vegetable that I’m not even sure if I like. BUT, I have been considering hunting them down in a normal grocery store to try the normal sized one.




Product branding, my friends. I was completely overtaken by their product brand. I can’t even tell you the last time I actually searched for and visited a website specifically for a food product. And it was probably because I had to log on to redeem a rebate of some sort (most likely off a pop-tarts box. Then again it could have been Doritos…don’t judge.). The brush script font, the bold hues, the illustrative feel – does that scream boring ole’ vegetable? Nope! It feels like if I were to buy and eat those it would be fun and exciting and the best meal of my life. I’m actually following a Beet Company on Instagram. It seems laughable. But they’re doing it and they’re doing it well! Their Instagram is vibrant and full of interesting things to do with beets and their other beet products. Their website is educational, but super fun. Chocked full of info (yes, even recipes!) and accompanied by wit and charm. Seriously, even a recipe on how to use beets as a topping on pizza. I feel like I love beets before even trying them. Amazing.


What have they done? They’ve taken a boring vegetable that usually flies a bit too far under the radar and made it the star of the show. And they’re romancing customers into trying it and loving it. They’ve modernized a vegetable I would have considered an old lady veggie (if that’s even a thing) and revitalized it with a whole new image and brand.


Kudos to you, Love Beets. I’m sold.


And until then: Bears, Beets Battlestar Galactica (The Office fans, holla!)

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