A few weeks ago I posted about how to choose fonts for your brand in 5 easy steps and a reader had a question about how to know what feeling a font gives off. Since I had so much fun with the last Facebook Ad Infographic and you guys loved (and pinned it!) a lot, I thought I’d make another one about fonts and their feelings!

This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list on font meanings. I do mean it to serve as some great examples to get your thoughts going. There are so many amazing (classic, fun, silly or modern) fonts out there so take these ideas and find your own emotion filled font!

{If you want to know my favorite font resources, check out my new resources page!}

Of course, fonts can evoke different (and multiple feelings) and these feelings depend on more than just the font. Color, graphics and photos also are involved in evoking the right feeling. BUT- the right font is more than just the icing on the cake…it’s more like the sugar or baking powder or something super important to making the cake taste good. And now I really want some cake. So without further ado: Fonts have Feelings too!

(Oh, and if you love this infographic, Pin it! You can use the share button at the bottom of this post for easy sharing. Thank you, Thank you!)

Fonts and their Meanings

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